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Judgment No. 1067



Consideration 2


"The grading of a post depends on evaluation of the work done and the degree of responsibility it involves. The evaluation must be done by those who by training and experience are able to apply the relevant technical criteria, and the Tribunal will interfere with a decision based thereon only where the organisation is shown to have applied wrong principles or drawn illogical conclusions."


post classification; judicial review; discretion; limits; criteria

Considerations 7-8, Summary


The complainant, who holds grade P.3, challenges the Organization's refusal to regrade his post to P.4. The fact that his chief failed to complete a questionnaire about changes in his duties does not, as he alleges, constitute a flaw such as to vitiate the reclassification procedure. Nor does the administration's refusal to disclose the Classification Unit's findings amount to a denial of due process.


procedure before the tribunal; report; disclosure of evidence; due process; organisation's duties; post classification; procedural flaw

Dernière mise à jour: 01.09.2020 ^ haut