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> Page d'accueil > Triblex: base de données sur la jurisprudence > Par session > 22e session

Judgment No. 137


1. The complaint is dismissed.
2. Mr. Brache is awarded costs in an amount of 3,000 Swiss francs.

Consideration 1


The complainant holds a contract with a distinct administrative body and is subject to its Staff Regulations. Although that body has established close links with another organization which has recognised the competence of the Tribunal, and although its office serves in particular as the latter's regional office, it is nonetheless an independent body with its own staff under its sole authority. In the absence of any agreement on this point with the organization, the jurisdictional guarantees do not apply.


locus standi; status of complainant; competence of tribunal



While maintaining links with an organisation having recognised the competence of the Tribunal, the complainant's employer is an independent body. The Tribunal has no jurisdiction. "In view of the reasonable doubts that the complainant may have had on the question of jurisdiction, the Tribunal, which itself ordered additional measures of investigation, considers it equitable, in spite of the dismissal of the complaint, to award him costs ".


locus standi; status of complainant; competence of tribunal; costs

Consideration 2


"The Tribunal recognises that as a result of holding that it lacks jurisdiction the complainant is thereby regrettably deprived of any means of judicial redress against the injury sustained as a result of the alleged breach of his contract. However, the Tribunal, being a court of limited jurisdiction, is bound to apply the mandatory provisions governing its competence, and it is for the organisation concerned itself to determine whether it is desirable to provide its employees with a safeguard which is enjoyed by the great majority of international officials at the present time."


locus standi; status of complainant; competence of tribunal; right of appeal; vested competence; safeguard

Dernière mise à jour: 28.09.2017 ^ haut