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Judgment No. 1558


1. The decision of 12 June 1995 by the President of the European Patent Office is quashed.
2. The case is sent back to the President for a new decision on the disciplinary sanction to be imposed on the complainant.
3. The European Patent Organisation shall pay the complainant 1,000 guilders in costs.
4. His other claims are dismissed.
5. The application to intervene is dismissed.

Consideration 7


"Mr. V., who defended the complainant before the Disciplinary Committee, has filed an application to intervene in the complaint on the grounds that the EPO has harmed his good name by making false, defamatory and insulting remarks about him in its surrejoinder. That matter falls outside the scope of the complaint before the Tribunal, whose ruling can have no bearing on Mr. V.'s grievance. His application is therefore disallowed."


complaint; decision; moral injury; intervention; organisation's duties; respect for dignity; effect; request by a party

Dernière mise à jour: 20.08.2020 ^ haut