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Judgment No. 1812


The applications are dismissed.

Consideration 4


"There is no single time limit for executing judgments. The Tribunal's practice is to let the organisation have a reasonable amount of time to act, and what is reasonable will depend, among other things, on the circumstances and the issues at stake. To be sure, the Tribunal has said more than once that any lump-sum award by the Tribunal is to be paid in 30 days [see Judgments 1620 and 1748]. That deadline holds good when the organisation may readily work out the amount due. But it does not when a case is sent back for a new decision: the time to be allowed will then turn on the peculiarities of the case."


Jugement(s) TAOIT: 1620, 1748


application for execution; tribunal; time limit; delay; judgment of the tribunal; case sent back to organisation; execution of judgment; case law; organisation's duties; practice

Dernière mise à jour: 18.09.2014 ^ haut