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Judgment No. 1838



Considerations 16-17


"The complainants plead that the staff representatives having withdrawn, the [Local Salary Survey Committee] was no longer competent to act and that the organization was in breach of its duty of consulting the staff either through such a body or else, in accordance with Staff Regulation 8.1, directly. [This] plea [...] must fail. Not only did the Committee and its working party both comprising staff representatives function for many months before the survey began, but the Committee did not, as the complainants make out, cease to exist after the staff representatives had withdrawn. The [organization] repeatedly invited them to take part, and their refusal to do so did not have the effect of disqualifying the Committee or invalidating its recommendations. nor was there any breach of Regulation 8.1. [The Tribunal draws an analogy between this issue and the issue considered in Judgment 1565]."


Organization rules reference: WHO STAFF REGULATION 8.1
Jugement(s) TAOIT: 1565


advisory body; competence; recommendation; case law; organisation's duties; qualifications; salary; consultation; staff representative; delegated authority; composition of the internal appeals body

Dernière mise à jour: 28.08.2020 ^ haut