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Judgment No. 2307


1. The decision of 3 October 2002 is set aside insofar as it confirms a previous decision not to extend the complainant's appointment.
2. The ILO shall pay her compensation equivalent to two years' salary and the allowances to which she was entitled at the time her appointment came to an end.
3. The ILO shall also pay her 3,000 United States dollars in costs.
4. Her other claims are dismissed.

Considerations 9-10


The investigation of a complaint filed by an international civil servant should not be used subsequently as the basis for an appraisal report, and even less to justify the termination of a contract.
The complainant is, accordingly, right in maintaining that the assessment which led the Reports Board to recommend that her contract should not be extended and the Director-General subsequently to endorse that recommendation, was based on information which should not have been taken into consideration.


internal appeal; submissions; organisation's duties; performance report; non-renewal of contract; termination of employment; official

Dernière mise à jour: 10.11.2021 ^ haut