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Judgment No. 2833


The complaint is dismissed.

Consideration 4


"[T]he Director-General departed from the Joint Advisory Appeals Board's recommendation. He was entitled to do so provided that he gave clear reasons for not following it, which he did. [...] From a formal point of view, therefore, the impugned decision is beyond criticism."


duty to substantiate decision; grounds; formal requirements; internal appeals body; advisory body; recommendation; executive head; advisory opinion; condition; difference; right

Consideration 7


In March 2006 the complainant, who had been assigned to Zimbabwe since 1996, applied for a transfer, in the same grade, to ILO headquarters in Geneva to occupy the advertised post of Senior Procurement Officer. His candidature was rejected because he failed to meet three of the core requirements listed in the vacancy notice. Circular No. 658, series 6, states that the Office should ensure, in particular, that 'priority for mobility is given to staff members who have completed their tours of duty', i.e. their assignment in a particular duty station.
"It is not disputed that the complainant can avail himself of the mobility rules to return, as and when appropriate, to the Organization's headquarters. But that does not, of course, mean that he has a right to return to headquarters to take up a particular post without it being determined beforehand that the post to which he aspires corresponds to his skills."


Organization rules reference: Circular No. 658, series 6


grounds; field; headquarters; organisation's duties; written rule; administrative instruction; duty station; request for transfer; grade; period; competition; vacancy notice; post; qualifications; reassignment; priority; condition; criteria; refusal; right

Last updated: 15.12.2021 ^ top