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Judgment No. 3203


The complaint is dismissed.


The complaint is directed at the Secretary-General’s decision to refuse to recognise same-sex marriages.

Consideration 8


"It is true that the case law of the Tribunal on the question of benefits for same-sex partners has developed in the last decade. This is illustrated by Judgment 2860. Indeed, there are opinions of individual judges concluding that staff rules denying access to dependency benefits to same-sex partners are unenforceable because they violate fundamental principles of law (see, for example, the dissenting opinion of Justice Hugessen in Judgment 2193)."


Jugement(s) TAOIT: 2193, 2860


marital status; case law; staff regulations and rules; enforcement; interpretation; provision; family allowance; dependant; social benefits; definition; difference; same-sex marriage

Judgment keywords


same-sex marriage; complaint dismissed

Dernière mise à jour: 07.08.2020 ^ haut