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Judgment No. 3280


The complaint is dismissed.


The complainant requests that the 2010 promotion exercise, which was allegedly cancelled for budgetary reasons, be held.

Judgment keywords


personal promotion; discretion; condition; right; complaint dismissed

Consideration 3


The complainant contests the decision of Eurocontrol not to organize a promotion exercise for 2010.
"Her cause of action in challenging the refusal to hold that promotion round cannot depend on the potential outcome of the round."


receivability of the complaint; cause of action; promotion

Consideration 7


The complainant contests the decision of Eurocontrol not to organize a promotion exercise for 2010.
"[A]lthough it is debatable in principle, the general postponement of a promotion round cannot be ruled out completely when Eurocontrol’s financial situation requires it in exceptional circumstances. The explanations furnished by Eurocontrol, the verisimilitude of which the Tribunal does not doubt, show that such circumstances existed in the instant case."


promotion; organisation's interest; condition

Last updated: 06.08.2020 ^ top