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Judgment No. 3525


The complaints are dismissed, as is the EPO’s counterclaim.


The complainant challenges statements made by the EPO in its surrejoinder to his second complaint which led to Judgment 3146.

Judgment keywords


ILOAT Judgment(s): 3146


procedure before the tribunal; joinder; surrejoinder; complaint dismissed

Consideration 6


A complainant must apply for permission to submit additional comments in the proceedings dealing with her or his complaint, if she or he has reasonable grounds to object to the comments made by the organisation in its surrejoinder. Statements which are made in the context of complaint proceedings before the Tribunal are not decisions within the meaning of Article 106 of the Service Regulations and are thus not challengeable in separate complaint proceedings, nor do they fit strictly within the requirements of Article II of the Tribunal’s Statute.


further submissions

Last updated: 07.10.2021 ^ top