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Judgment No. 3667


The complaint is dismissed, as is Eurocontrol’s counterclaim.


The complainant challenges the fact that he was not promoted during the 2013 promotion exercise.

Judgment keywords


promotion; complaint dismissed

Considerations 5-6


Article 45 of the Staff Regulations establishes the exclusion principle which is challenged by the complainant, who has reached the highest grade in the bracket to which his current post belongs. This principle is consistent with the aims of the administrative reform carried out in 2008, namely to end the practice of automatic promotion while not ruling out the possibility of making exceptions in order to enable particularly well-qualified officials to move up to a higher grade in the next bracket.

In the structure introduced by the administrative reform which entered into force at Eurocontrol on 1 July 2008, officials are classed in hierarchical grade brackets, each of which corresponds to a clearly defined category of functions. In the same way that an official who has reached the pinnacle of her or his career can no longer hope for promotion, a Eurocontrol official who has reached the top of her or his grade bracket does not, in principle, have any possibility of moving into a higher grade.


post classification; reorganisation; reclassification

Last updated: 22.09.2021 ^ top