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Judgment No. 3681


The complaint is dismissed, as is the Global Fund’s counterclaim.


The complainant challenges the decisions to abolish his position and to terminate his contract, as well as the compensation that was awarded to him in consequence thereof.

Judgment keywords


time bar; complaint dismissed

Consideration 2


The complaint is directed against an e-mail of 30 August 2012 in which the defendant reminded the complainant of the decision of 5 July 2012 providing him with a breakdown of his termination entitlements. However, this e-mail did not constitute a new decision as it merely confirmed the decision of 5 July. Hence, the dispatch of this e-mail did not re-open the time limit for appealing against the [contested] decision [...] (see Judgment 2790, under 8, and the case law cited therein).


ILOAT Judgment(s): 2790


time bar; final decision

Last updated: 02.06.2020 ^ top