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Judgment No. 3861


1. The impugned decision and that contained in the email of 12 December 2013 are set aside.
2. The ICC shall pay the complainant 38,132 euros in compensation for financial injury.
3. It shall also pay her one symbolic euro for moral and professional injury.
4. It shall pay her costs in the amount of 6,000 euros.


The complainant challenges the refusal to grant her flexible working arrangements during the breastfeeding period.

Judgment keywords


complaint allowed; decision quashed; working conditions; working hours; breastfeeding

Consideration 5


The Tribunal points out that the term “decision” means an act by an officer of an organisation which has a legal effect (see, for example, Judgments 532, under 3, and 3141, under 21). Having examined the two aforementioned emails, one containing a suggestion to the complainant and the other informing her of guidelines applicable within the ICC, it is obvious that they do not constitute administrative decisions. Moreover, in Judgment 2644, under 8, the Tribunal explained that “[t]here are occasions when a staff member may treat a communication or other action [...] as embodying a decision with respect to his or her entitlements (see Judgment 2629 [...]).However, where, [...] there is no indication that the communication in question constitutes a final decision, there are and may be circumstances that lead a staff member to reasonably conclude that it does not. Particularly is that so if, [...] it concerns a matter that has not been the subject of an express claim or there is nothing to suggest that the matter in question has been considered by a person with authority to make a final decision thereon.”


Jugement(s) TAOIT: 532, 2629, 2644, 3141


decision; receivability of the complaint; definition; review of administrative decision; administrative decision

Consideration 6


With regard to the objection that the complaint is irreceivable ratione temporis, the Tribunal recalls that it has ruled, with respect to an internal appeal filed by an official, that a time limit expiring on a Saturday is automatically extended to the following Monday if Saturday is a non-working day in the organisation concerned (see Judgments 2831, under 3, and 3566, under 4).


Jugement(s) TAOIT: 2831, 3566


internal procedure; late appeal; saturday

Consideration 9


In Judgment 3024, under 12, the Tribunal recalled that the principle of good faith and the concomitant duty of care demand that international organisations treat their staff with due consideration in order to avoid causing them undue injury; an employer must consequently inform officials in advance of any action that may imperil their rights or harm their rightful interests (see Judgment 2768, under 4).


Jugement(s) TAOIT: 2768, 3024


good faith; organisation's duties; duty to inform; respect for dignity; duty of care

Consideration 11


In compensation for the financial injury which she suffered, the ICC will be ordered to pay the complainant the full remuneration which she would have received during her special leave [...].


material damages

Dernière mise à jour: 02.09.2020 ^ haut