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Judgment No. 3992


The complaint is dismissed.


The complainant challenges a Note sent to all staff concerning a staffing plan.

Judgment keywords


administrative decision; complaint dismissed

Consideration 5


[T]he staffing plan is not an administrative decision subject to challenge. The staffing plan is just that – a plan developed by the Director-General setting out a proposed structure for the Technical Secretariat that also identifies and proposes the organisational and staffing changes needed to bring about the new structure for the Technical Secretariat. [...] [I]t is also observed that the text of the staffing plan does not include any decision. Moreover, the [...] decision of the Conference of the States Parties tasking the Director-General with the development of a staffing plan for the Technical Secretariat required that the implementation of any of the staffing plan proposals must be submitted to the OPCW’s policy-making organs for consideration.


reorganisation; administrative decision

Dernière mise à jour: 25.05.2020 ^ haut