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Judgment No. 4120


The complaint is dismissed.


The complainant challenges the decision not to communicate to him an investigation report concerning the payment of school fees to another employee.

Judgment keywords


report; education expenses; staff representative; complaint dismissed

Consideration 6


Staff representatives have a legitimate and important role in the functioning of international organisations. However there are limits to that role, at least as may involve rights enforceable in proceedings in the Tribunal. In its reasoning the IAC referred to Judgment 2919 of this Tribunal in support of a widely cast role for staff representatives. However, the effect of that judgment may have been misunderstood and, in any event, the Tribunal has recently indicated that Judgment 2919, if read too widely, went beyond the scope of the Tribunal’s established jurisprudence (see Judgment 3515, consideration 3). In the present case, whether Article 120(a) of the Service Regulations had been applied correctly or incorrectly to the individual the subject of the internal audit was not a matter in respect of which the complainant had an interest capable of being pursued in a complaint to this Tribunal. Nor did the complainant have an enforceable right to obtain the results of the internal audit. Accordingly the complainant has no cause of action and his complaint in the Tribunal is irreceivable (see Judgment 3426, consideration 16). Thus, the complaint should be dismissed.


Jugement(s) TAOIT: 2919, 3426, 3515


locus standi; receivability of the complaint; cause of action; no cause of action; staff representative

Dernière mise à jour: 21.05.2020 ^ haut