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Judgment No. 4275


It is unnecessary to rule on the complaint.


The complainant challenges his classification in the new career structure established following the 2015 five-yearly review.

Judgment keywords


claim moot; reclassification; complaint dismissed

Considerations 4-5


By letter dated 12 July 2018, the Director-General informed the complainant that the career review by the Departmental Committee and the representative of the Human Resources Department had found that his functions and activities matched the benchmark job and the grade to which he had been assigned. On 10 September 2018 the complainant filed an internal appeal against that decision. The Joint Advisory Appeals Board recommended that the appeal be dismissed and, on 13 May 2019, the Director-General informed the complainant that she had decided to follow that recommendation and that, accordingly, his grade and benchmark post were maintained.
This was a new decision taken after a fresh examination by different bodies of the Organization. The complainant has not impugned that new decision before the Tribunal, and consequently it has become final.
If the decisions of 18 August 2016, 30 June 2017 and 25 May 2018 on the complainant’s assignment to grade 2 in the benchmark job of “mechanical craftsperson” were set aside, the new decision would remain intact.
Accordingly, this complaint has become moot and there is no need to rule on it.


claim moot

Last updated: 14.10.2020 ^ top