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Judgment No. 4555


The complaint is dismissed.


The complainant contests the decision not to pay him the additional installation allowance in respect of his second child following his transfer to The Hague.

Judgment keywords


installation allowance; complaint dismissed

Consideration 3


The EPO submits that the claim for “[a]ny other costs the Tribunal considers appropriate” is irreceivable for lack of basic clarity. This aspect of the claim for costs is dismissed as the complainant has not articulated any basis for such an award.



Consideration 9


The Tribunal’s reasoning in Judgment 1820 bears out the general principle of interpretation in the case law stated, for example, in consideration 5(b) of Judgment 2258, that statutory provisions must be interpreted in such a way that their true meaning is preserved, taking into account, inter alia, the actual letter of the provision, its origin, its aim and its place within the legal framework of an organisation, and without necessarily dwelling on inaccurate or inappropriate terms (see also Judgment 1456, under 16).


Jugement(s) TAOIT: 1456, 1820, 2258



Consideration 10


Returning to the terms of Article 73 and addressing the specific question of the circumstances in which the additional payment is to be paid, the answer lays in the concluding words of Article 73(2). It is relatively clear that the word “where” is, in substance, the identification of “when”. That is to say it identifies when the entitlement to the additional payment arises. The entitlement arises when the staff member takes up residence and by reference to his circumstances at that time. In this case, the complainant’s circumstances were that he had one child only and was thus entitled to the additional allowance of half a month’s basic salary, and not entitled to the additional allowance in respect of his second child. It is true that the payment will not actually be paid to a staff member on probation until the probationary period has concluded, but this does not alter the fact that the actual entitlement is ascertained at the time a probationary staff member takes up residence.


installation allowance

Consideration 11


The complainant submits that he is entitled to the additional installation allowance because there existed a “well-established common procedure” in the EPO that the allowance had been treated as accruing at any time during the probationary period. However, according to the case law, a practice cannot become legally binding where, as in the present case, it contravenes specific rules which are already in force (see, for example, Judgment 4026, consideration 6).


Jugement(s) TAOIT: 4026



Consideration 12


The complainant contests the award of 250 euros and claims 1,000 euros in moral damages for the delay instead. However, as he does not explain why the amount that he was awarded was insufficient, his claim will be dismissed.


moral damages; delay in internal procedure

Dernière mise à jour: 01.09.2022 ^ haut