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Judgment No. 4566


The complaint is dismissed.


The complainant challenges a selection procedure for which he was a member of the Selection Board.

Judgment keywords


locus standi; cause of action; selection board; staff representative; selection procedure; complaint dismissed; member of an internal body

Consideration 3


[T]he complainant lacks locus standi in his capacity as a staff representative for the reasons given by the Tribunal in its case law (see Judgment 3642, considerations 8 to 14). Secondly, he lacks locus standi in his capacity as a member of the Selection Board. In Judgment 4317, consideration 4, the Tribunal relevantly stated as follows:
“[...] the Tribunal adopted Judgment 3557, in a summary procedure, where it found that it was clear that the complainant, who was likewise acting in his capacity as a member of a Selection Board, did not have standing to challenge the outcome of the selection procedure. The same reasoning must be applied in the present case as ‘[the complainant] does not specifically allege any non-observance of his terms of appointment as required by Article II, paragraph 5, of the Tribunal’s Statute’.
As a matter of general principle, a complainant must, in order to raise a cause of action, allege and demonstrate arguably that the impugned administrative decision caused injury to her or him or was liable to cause injury (see, for example, Judgments 3921, consideration 6, and 3168, consideration 9). In accordance with this case law, a member of a board within an international organization, acting in this capacity, may only raise with the Tribunal the defects that have affected her or his prerogatives as a member of the board as defined by the internal provisions (see above-mentioned Judgment 3921, consideration 9). In the present case, the complainant does not specifically allege any non-observance of his terms of appointment or of board-related internal provisions.”


Jugement(s) TAOIT: 3168, 3557, 3642, 3921, 4317


locus standi; selection board; staff representative; member of an internal body

Dernière mise à jour: 23.01.2023 ^ haut