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Judgment No. 4624


The complaint is dismissed.


The complainant takes issue with the type of contract successively awarded to her by the ILO and seeks adequate compensation for the injury she considers she has suffered.

Judgment keywords


terms of appointment; contract; complaint dismissed

Consideration 4


In respect of the injury that purportedly resulted from the unlawful use of technical cooperation contracts renewed several times, the Tribunal notes that, even supposing that it was unlawful to extend the technical cooperation contract after a given date, that alone does not suffice to establish that the complainant was entitled to have her employment contract converted into a contract funded from the Organization’s regular budget. Paragraph 12 of aforementioned Office Procedure IGDS Number 16, in any event, provides only for the conversion of positions such as that held by the complainant to regular budget positions “progressively and where feasible”. However, the Organization asserts, without being effectively contradicted by the complainant, that such a conversion was not possible in this case owing, in particular, to the lack of budgetary resources available for that purpose.


contract; allowance; prejudice

Consideration 5


[T]he Tribunal cannot see how the fact that the complainant was appointed under a technical cooperation contract had a considerable impact on the extent of the injury to her health she submits she has suffered.


contract; prejudice; health

Consideration 8


The complainant [...] contends that the Director-General’s decision did not adequately justify the amount of compensation awarded, since that amount was not broken down between the various injuries for which compensation was awarded.
However, the Tribunal considers that it is permissible for an international organisation to decide to award a lump sum in compensation for all injuries suffered by a member of its staff.


damages; allowance; motivation

Dernière mise à jour: 27.06.2023 ^ haut