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Judgment No. 4803


The complaint is dismissed.


The complainant contests amendments made to the procedure for adjusting remuneration as reflected in his payslips.

Judgment keywords


competence of tribunal; salary; payslip; complaint dismissed

Consideration 3


[H]aving regard to the Appeals Committee’s findings, it is not inevitable, certain or even likely there will be future injury to the complainant. It remains the position generally that an abstract change of methodology of salary calculation or the calculation of other emoluments is challengeable when it is implemented or, exceptionally, when future injury is certain or likely. Thus, in Judgment 4075, recently reiterated in Judgments 4381, consideration 11, and 4380, consideration 8, for instance, the Tribunal concluded that the complaint was irreceivable as beyond the scope of the Tribunal’s competence.


ILOAT Judgment(s): 4380, 4381


injury; competence of tribunal; salary

Last updated: 30.04.2024 ^ top