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Judgment No. 7


The Tribunal,
Giving judgment by default, the defendant having failed to appear,
Rejecting all fuller or contrary conclusions,
Orders the defendant to pay to the complainant the total salary en disponibilité due to the deceased on the basis of the statement prepared on 7 March 1941 by Mr. Weiss;
Also orders the defendant to pay, as damages, because of the delay in payment of the sums due, the sum of 80,000 French francs;
The above subject to deduction of sums shown to have been already paid, if such be the case;
Orders the refund of the deposit made by the complainant in accordance with the Statute of the Tribunal.

Consideration 1


"[T]he intervention of the Complainant exercising the right of her deceased husband and acting as legal guardian of his children must be understood as constituting also a Complaint to the Tribunal for the purpose of obtaining the settlement of her rights under these heads".


intervention; successor

Consideration (D) and Decision


"The Defendant must be ordered to fulfil its obligations on which it has defaulted up to the present date[.] The Tribunal [...] orders the Defendant to pay, as damages, because of the delay in payment of the sums due, the sum of [...]".


administrative delay; organisation's duties; salary; payment; material damages

Last updated: 25.08.2020 ^ top