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Staff Regulations and Rules (232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243,-666)

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Keywords: Staff Regulations and Rules
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  • Judgment 1488

    80th Session, 1996
    European Patent Organisation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 9


    Article 38(3) of the Service Regulations, which provides for consultation of an advisory body, does "apply to cases where the Service Regulations and Pension Scheme Regulations are to be amended or 'implementing rules' are to be made, and the legal status of staff is thereby to be affected. But it goes further: it applies to cases where 'any proposal' is made 'which concerns the whole or part of the staff'. So it casts a wide net that goes beyond mere changes in legal provisions."


    Organization rules reference: ARTICLE 38(3) OF THE EPO SERVICE REGULATIONS


    advisory body; consultation; interpretation; staff regulations and rules;

    Consideration 10


    "Article 38(3) [...] seeks to ensure that the proposal shall go through a formal process in which the staff have a right to be consulted through the General Advisory Committee. Indeed it makes for good relations between staff and administration not just to empower but to require that body, set up under the Service Regulations to represent both sides, to give 'a reasoned opinion'. It does not matter that management may have consulted the staff on the subject in other ways. What was lacking in this case was what Article 38(3) required: the formal consultation of the General Advisory Committee and the submission of its reasoned opinion before the decision was made."


    Organization rules reference: ARTICLE 38(3) OF THE EPO SERVICE REGULATIONS


    advisory body; consultation; due process; organisation's duties; procedural flaw; staff regulations and rules;

  • Judgment 1486

    80th Session, 1996
    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 16


    "The Tribunal concludes that the complainant's illness must be assumed to have been directly due to his assignment by the FAO to an area posing a special hazard to his health, to have occurred as a result of that hazard, and therefore to be service-incurred within the meaning of Manual Paragraph 342.213."


    Organization rules reference: PARAGRAPH 342.213 OF THE FAO MANUAL


    duty station; field; illness; service-incurred; special hazard; staff regulations and rules;

  • Judgment 1477

    80th Session, 1996
    International Training Centre of the International Labour Organisation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 7


    "It is plain from the whole process of selection that though the Committee did endorse the panel's report it had neither looked at the individual applications nor seen any of the candidates but had left all that to the panel. Though it is not unthinkable for a selection committee to set up a panel of people whom it believes to be better fitted to assess the technical qualifications of candidates, especially external ones, it may not delegate altogether its authority under the Staff Regulations. It must exercise its own authority and not delegate unless the rules say it may."


    advisory body; competition; condition; delegated authority; flaw; impartiality; procedural flaw; selection board; staff regulations and rules;

    Consideration 9


    "By letting [a special selection] panel draw up a short list and endorsing its conclusions without even seeing the candidates on that list or looking at their records the [Selection] Committee failed to observe its terms of reference under the Staff Regulations. [...] The process of selection was therefore unlawful".


    competition; competition cancelled; due process; flaw; procedural flaw; selection board; staff regulations and rules;

  • Judgment 1475

    80th Session, 1996
    World Health Organization
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 16


    "The Organization lawfully dismissed the complainant under [Staff] Rule 1070.1: it gave her due written warning; it let her have reasonable time in which to improve; it paid her three months' salary in lieu of notice; and it was unable to reassign her locally."


    Organization rules reference: WHO STAFF RULE 1070.1


    due process; notice; organisation's duties; reassignment; staff regulations and rules; termination of employment;

  • Judgment 1462

    79th Session, 1995
    European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 4


    Vide Judgment 398, considerations 1 and 2.


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 398


    case law; complaint; failure to answer claim; implied decision; internal remedies exhausted; receivability of the complaint; request by a party; staff regulations and rules; time bar;

  • Judgment 1451

    79th Session, 1995
    Universal Postal Union
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 18


    "In Judgment 1932 - submits the [organisation] - the Tribunal held under 18 and 24 that [...] a suit, [filed in the general interests of the civil service,] of which the hallmark is action by staff associations or agents professing to represent them, does not form part of the system of individual appeal that the organisations which have recognised the Tribunal's jurisdiction commonly provide for in their rules and that the Tribunal's own Statute contemplates. The Tribunal need not revert to that case law since this is not such a complaint. It has been filed by several officials with the commendable aim of making the proceedings simpler, and each of them is defending his own individual interests, even though they are the same as the others'. The objection [to receivability for being a 'collective' complaint] fails."


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 1392


    case law; competence of tribunal; complainant; complaint; iloat statute; internal appeal; locus standi; receivability of the complaint; staff regulations and rules; staff representative; staff union;

    Consideration 20


    "The [amendment in question] strikes out of the terms of employment ipso facto the safeguard of international judicial review and vests jurisdiction in municipal courts instead. The amendment brings about an immediate and almost irreversible change in the system of appeal. So [...] every staff member has an actual and present interest in having light shed on the matter. The Tribunal affords guarantees of a system of international law within the bounds of its competence: see Judgments 1265, under 24, and 1328, under 13. It would therefore be wrong to deny the staff the right of appeal on the grounds that the impugned decision is general in purport."


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 1265, 1328


    amendment to the rules; case law; cause of action; competence of tribunal; complaint; general decision; internal appeal; municipal court; receivability of the complaint; right of appeal; safeguard; staff regulations and rules; tribunal;

    Consideration 21


    "The [organisation pleads] that to quash a general decision on an application from a few might damage the interests of others who wanted it to remain in force. The plea is certainly material since [...] the staff of the UPU seem to disagree about the amendment [in question]. But the Tribunal is satisfied that when a decision has been challenged, albeit by only a few, it has a duty to rule in full objectivity and as soon as possible. The Union itself has well defended the interests of those who want to keep the decision, and they themselves may do so by filing applications to intervene."


    amendment to the rules; application for quashing; complaint; general decision; intervention; receivability of the complaint; staff member's interest; staff regulations and rules;

    Consideration 23


    "The Tribunal concurs fully with what the Union says about the legal process it chose to follow in setting up its provident scheme [under municipal law]. It is true that other such schemes have been set up under international law and that the Tribunal has generally preferred that any dispute it may hear be resolved by the rules of the international civil service. But it has also been at pains to except any case in which there is express renvoi to municipal law in an organisation's rules or in the terms of appointment: for recent examples see Judgments 1311 and 1369, both under 15."


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 1311, 1369


    applicable law; case law; contract; domestic law; provident fund; staff regulations and rules;

    Consideration 19


    The organisation objects to the receivability of the complaint because "the impugned decision makes amendments to the regulations and is therefore a general one about the tenor of rules. As was said in Judgment 1393, under 6 to 8, the Tribunal has often ruled on the issue, especially for the purpose of determining when the time limit starts for appeal. It has held that where a general decision gives rise to decisions affecting individuals the time limit is set off only on notification to the official of the individual decision that affects him. Moreover, as was held in Judgment 1000, under 12, the employee may, when impugning an individual decision that touches him directly, 'challenge the lawfulness of any general or prior decision [...] that affords the basis of the individual one'. In sum, the staff member need not ordinarily impugn at once a general decision he believes has caused him injury but may, without any risk of being time-barred, wait until the general decision affects him in the form of an individual one."


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 1000, 1393


    amendment to the rules; case law; cause of action; complaint; date of notification; general decision; individual decision; internal appeal; receivability of the complaint; staff regulations and rules; start of time limit; time bar; time limit;

  • Judgment 1450

    79th Session, 1995
    European Patent Organisation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 19


    "The Tribunal has never ruled out municipal law a priori. Although it is ordinarily and essentially competent in a context of international law, it may well have to heed some provisions of municipal law where, as indeed in this case, there is renvoi to such law in a contract of service or in an organisation's rules. Precedent further has it that there may be reference to municipal law for the sake of comparison and so as to educe certain general principles of law that apply to the international civil service."


    applicable law; case law; contract; domestic law; general principle; international civil service principles; staff regulations and rules; tribunal;

  • Judgment 1447

    79th Session, 1995
    European Patent Organisation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 16


    "As for the charge of misconduct warranting dismissal under Article 93(2)(f), the Tribunal accepts the Disciplinary Committee's ruling that the complainant had no intention of causing damage in the incident [...]. It is therefore satisfied that the sanction of dismissal was grossly disproportionate to his misbehaviour on that day."


    Organization rules reference: ARTICLE 93(2)(F) EPO SERVICE REGULATIONS


    conduct; disciplinary measure; misconduct; proportionality; staff regulations and rules; termination of employment;

  • Judgment 1446

    79th Session, 1995
    World Health Organization
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 13


    "The precedents have it that a right is 'acquired' when someone who has it may, because of its fundamental importance to the balance of rights and duties that define the relationship of employment, demand that it be respected not withstanding any amendment to the rules: see Judgments 61, 368 [...], 832, 986 [...] and, under 6, 1330 [...]."


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 61, 368, 832, 986, 1330


    acquired right; amendment to the rules; case law; condition; contract; staff regulations and rules; terms of appointment;

    Consideration 15


    The grant of an increase for merit is discretionary under Staff Rule 555.1. "By its very nature such a provision cannot confer an acquired right."


    Organization rules reference: WHO STAFF RULE 555.1


    acquired right; condition; discretion; increment; staff regulations and rules;

    Considerations 16-17


    The material issue is whether abolition of the entitlement to a step increase for long service infringed an acquired right by interfering with a fundamental term of service that led the complainants to accept employment. "The Tribunal holds that the prospect of increases in emoluments after 20, 25, 30 and 35 years of satisfactory service was too remote to influence seriously the mind of the ordinary applicant in deciding to accept appointment [within the organization]".


    acceptance; acquired right; amendment to the rules; complainant; contract; increment; satisfactory service; seniority; staff regulations and rules; terms of appointment;

  • Judgment 1424

    79th Session, 1995
    European Patent Organisation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 8


    In the absence of implementing provisions, "what is required is a reasonable construction of the rule that heeds the rightful interests of staff and organisation alike."


    criteria; enforcement; interpretation; organisation's interest; staff member's interest; staff regulations and rules; written rule;

  • Judgment 1422

    79th Session, 1995
    International Telecommunication Union
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 6


    The Tribunal has ruled in Judgment 988 "that Regulation 4.9 allows the Secretary-General to promote someone even against the Appointment and Promotion Board's advice and is intended as a safeguard to ensure compliance with the rules on appointment and promotion. The intent is not to enable the Secretary-General to prefer a weaker candidate on compassionate or indeed any other grounds."


    Organization rules reference: ITU STAFF REGULATION 4.9
    ILOAT Judgment(s): 988


    advisory body; advisory opinion; appointment; case law; discretion; due process; enforcement; executive head; interpretation; promotion; promotion board; safeguard; selection board; staff regulations and rules;

  • Judgment 1419

    78th Session, 1995
    European Southern Observatory
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 30


    Since 1982 the ESO has aligned its salary policy with that of the European co-ordinated organisations. "The ESO might no doubt change the reference mark or the arrangements provided that it abided by the procedures and forms prescribed for the purpose in its own rules and regulations. But so long as the present arrangements hold good, its staff are entitled to the safeguards of objectivity and stability they afford. The ESO may not remove such safeguards because of prevailing circumstances or a mere wish to do so."


    acquired right; organisation's duties; patere legem; rule of another organisation; security of tenure; staff member's interest; staff regulations and rules;

    Consideration 24


    "The second sentence of [Article VIII of the Tribunal's Statute] does no more than allow an alternative, to which the Tribunal may resort as it deems fit, in the particular case where there is difficulty over discharging some non-financial obligation. The reference in the article to the possibility of awarding 'compensation for the injury caused' does not preclude the Tribunal's determining, in exercise of the competence conferred by the first sentence, the financial consequences of an organisation's failure to abide by its staff regulations or to discharge its contractual obligations."




    allowance; compensation; iloat statute; injury; judicial review; organisation's duties; staff regulations and rules;

  • Judgment 1407

    78th Session, 1995
    World Tourism Organization
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 5


    The complainant challenges the change in her title from "assistant" to "secretary". The WTO argues that she has no cause of action but the Tribunal holds that "the title forms part of an official's status and so any change in the title is challengeable."


    amendment to the rules; injury; receivability of the complaint; staff regulations and rules; title of post;

  • Judgment 1403

    78th Session, 1995
    European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 10


    "An entitlement that Staff Regulations or Rules provide for need not be stated in the contract of employment."


    contract; right; staff regulations and rules;

    Consideration 12


    Although the rules do not provide for the grant of a so-called typist's allowance for clerical officers, Eurocontrol has on an individual basis and upon application granted it to clerical officers who met certain objective conditions. "So the question at issue is whether Eurocontrol is bound in law by such long-standing practice. As was held in Judgment 421 [...] and again in Judgment 1053 [...] an organisation may be so bound where the practice is one that the staff have come to rely on."


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 421, 1053


    allowance; binding character; case law; criteria; organisation's duties; practice; staff regulations and rules;

    Consideration 14


    Having placed a liberal construction on the applicable rule, Eurocontrol granted certain clerical officers payment of the so-called typist's allowance. This established a practice which remains in force until such time as a decision is taken to amend or abolish it. "Payment of the allowance to the complainant was a matter, not of discretion, but of obligation, and Eurocontrol's delay in discharging it entitles her to interest."


    binding character; delay; interest on damages; organisation's duties; practice; staff regulations and rules;

  • Judgment 1399

    78th Session, 1995
    European Organization for Nuclear Research
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 10


    "Inasmuch as Rule VI 1.01 [of the Staff Regulations] confers the right of appeal on 'every member of the personnel' it may be that someone does forfeit that right on leaving the organization and so ceasing to be a staff member provided that the issues they are objecting to or the decisions they are challenging did not occur before they left. There is no danger thereby of any miscarriage of justice since [...] a former official who alleges breach of contract or of the rules he was subject to may still come to the Tribunal."


    Organization rules reference: CERN STAFF REGULATION VI 1.01


    competence of tribunal; former official; internal appeal; locus standi; ratione personae; right of appeal; staff regulations and rules; status of complainant;

    Consideration 13


    "CERN's refusal to produce minutes of meetings of the Joint Advisory Appeals Board in no way impaired [the complainant's] interests insofar as the hearings were recorded on tape to which [the organization] has expressly allowed him access from the outset. [...] Even though such practice is not in line with Regulation R VI 1.09 the omission is not in the circumstances a serious one."


    Organization rules reference: CERN REGULATION R VI 1.09


    cause of action; consequence; flaw; internal appeal; internal appeals body; practice; procedure before the tribunal; staff regulations and rules;

  • Judgment 1398

    78th Session, 1995
    European Patent Organisation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 6


    "The President has wide discretion over the organisation of work and he is not bound to consult the advisory bodies set up under the Service Regulations before introducing new means of improving staff efficiency. In any event the impugned decision made no change in the rules on work arrangements that required such consultation under Article 38."


    Organization rules reference: ARTICLE 38 EPO SERVICE REGULATIONS


    advisory body; advisory opinion; discretion; executive head; organisation's interest; reorganisation; staff regulations and rules;

  • Judgment 1395

    78th Session, 1995
    European Molecular Biology Laboratory
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 6


    The complainant was dismissed under Staff Rule 2.6.01 which says that "appointments shall terminate on account of [...] g) dismissal for specified reasons of unsuitability." The Tribunal holds that this means, "first that the reasons must be 'specified' in some form that enables the staff member to understand them clearly and, secondly, that the statement of them must be prior to the actual dismissal. It is, after all, a general principle of law that the staff member must be afforded a proper opportunity, again prior to dismissal, to answer any allegations of unsuitability."


    Organization rules reference: EMBL'S STAFF RULE 2.6.01


    due process; duty to substantiate decision; flaw; general principle; organisation's duties; reinstatement; right to reply; staff regulations and rules; termination of employment; unsatisfactory service;

  • Judgment 1392

    78th Session, 1995
    European Patent Organisation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 24


    "The appeal procedure set forth in the Service Regulations is, to quote Article 106, an individual appeals system. Such too is the basic feature of the system of appeal embodied in Article II of the Statute of the Tribunal, though it is subject to the provision in Article VII(2) setting a special time limit for appeal against any decision affecting a 'class of officials', which runs from the date of issue. So it is only by virtue of an individual contract of employment with the organisation that someone may lodge a complaint and the complainant may not alter the nature of the suit by declaring when he files the complaint that he is doing so as a staff union representative."


    Organization rules reference: ARTICLE 106 OF THE EPO SERVICE REGULATIONS


    competence of tribunal; complainant; complaint; general decision; iloat statute; internal appeal; locus standi; publication; receivability of the complaint; staff regulations and rules; staff representative; start of time limit; time limit; tribunal;

  • Judgment 1390

    78th Session, 1995
    European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 16


    "As for the application for a stay of proceedings, Article 10(3) of the Rules says that 'the Tribunal [...] shall rule on an application by either party for a stay of proceedings'". The Tribunal holds that no stay of proceedings is warranted in this case. Whatever changes may be made in the procedure for filling vacant posts, the complaint must be reviewed in the light of the rules in force at the material time. Once the proceedings have begun, the Tribunal is bound to reach a decision as promptly as possible and will not stay the proceedings pending possible changes in the rules."


    ILOAT reference: ARTICLE 10(3) OF THE RULES


    amendment to the rules; applicable law; closure of written proceedings; competition cancelled; iloat statute; order of suspension; procedure before the tribunal; refusal; staff regulations and rules; submissions;

    Consideration 27


    The organisation argues that the International Court of Justice in an opinion it delivered on 23 October 1956 "recognised that the internal practices of international organisations may have force of law (Digest 1956, p. 18). But those practices must be lawful and must not offend, as they do in the present case, against the internal law of an organisation or the principles of due administrative process."


    advisory opinion of icj; case law; competition cancelled; due process; icj; practice; staff regulations and rules; written rule;

  • Judgment 1385

    78th Session, 1995
    International Labour Organization
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Considerations 12-13


    The complainant had his short-term appointment extended after a break during which he had an external collaboration contract. Under Rule 3.5 of the short-term rules whenever the appointment of a short-term official is extended by a period of less than one year so that the total continuous contractual service amounts to one year or more, the terms and conditions of a fixed-term appointment - with certain exceptions - apply. "The interruption of the complainant's appointment by the external collaboration contract was merely a device to deny him the protection of Rule 3.5 without forfeiting the benefit of his services. There being no change in the actual conditions of employment, the real intention was that he should continue to do the same work as before. [...] The external collaboration contract must be treated like any other of his short-term contracts that ensured continuity of service. So his 'total continuous contractual service' [exceeded one year] and he thus became entitled [...] to 'the terms and conditions of a fixed-term appointment'."


    Organization rules reference: ILO SHORT-TERM RULE 3.5


    contract; duration of appointment; enforcement; extension of contract; external collaborator; fixed-term; intention of parties; interpretation; non-renewal of contract; short-term; staff regulations and rules; successive contracts;

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