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Implied decision (36, 37,-666)

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Keywords: Implied decision
Total judgments found: 74

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  • Judgment 4814

    137th Session, 2024
    United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR
    Summary: The complainant, who was the subject of an investigation into allegations of harassment and abuse of authority, alleges that she received no reply, within the sixty-day time limit, to the claim submitted to the Director-General regarding “multiple conflicts of interest” of the Internal Oversight Service.

    Consideration 6


    Firstly, the Tribunal considers that the complainant’s reliance on Article VII, paragraph 3, of its Statute is misplaced. It is clear from her submissions that the request made by her counsels in their letter of 1 December 2022 addressed to the Director-General, which had been submitted for the first time on 18 November 2022, had already been considered and explicitly rejected by the DDG on 25 and 29 November 2022. The fact that this request was subsequently escalated to the Director-General does not alter the conclusion that the Administration had already taken a decision on it, thus excluding the application of Article VII, paragraph 3, of the Tribunal’s Statute.


    direct appeal to tribunal; failure to exhaust internal remedies; implied decision; summary procedure;

  • Judgment 4812

    137th Session, 2024
    World Health Organization
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR
    Summary: The complainant requests moral and material damages for the harm she allegedly suffered as a result of her supervisor’s behaviour and the unduly extended length of time of the investigation.

    Considerations 7-8


    Article VII, paragraph 3, of the Tribunal’s Statute relevantly provides that “[w]here the Administration fails to take a decision upon any claim of an official within sixty days from the notification of the claim to it, the person concerned may have recourse to the Tribunal and her or his complaint shall be receivable in the same manner as a complaint against a final decision”.
    In the present case, […] the complainant’s claim to be granted redress for the actions of her supervisor and the time taken to complete the investigation was rejected by a decision of 9 November 2021, which then became the subject of her internal appeal. Thus, although there may have been some delay on the part of the Director-General in taking the final decision on that appeal, she is obviously not in the situation contemplated by Article VII, paragraph 3, of the Tribunal’s Statute.


    direct appeal to tribunal; failure to exhaust internal remedies; implied decision; summary procedure;

  • Judgment 4775

    137th Session, 2024
    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR
    Summary: The complainant challenges the decision to “terminate [her] contract after [her] resignation”.

    Consideration 4


    While Article VII, paragraph 3, of the Tribunal’s Statute, allows for direct recourse to the Tribunal “[w]here the Administration fails to take a decision upon any claim of an official within sixty days from the notification of the claim to it”, this paragraph must be read in conjunction with paragraph 1 of Article VII. According to Article VII, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the Tribunal, “[a] complaint shall not be receivable unless the decision impugned is a final decision and the person concerned has exhausted such other means of redress as are open to her or him under the applicable Staff Regulations”. It follows that the Tribunal cannot hear a complaint against an implicit decision to reject a claim unless the complainant has exhausted all available internal remedies (see Judgments 4517, consideration 4, and 2631, consideration 3).


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 2631, 4517


    direct appeal to tribunal; failure to exhaust internal remedies; implied decision; internal remedies not exhausted;

  • Judgment 4769

    137th Session, 2024
    European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR
    Summary: The complainant impugns what he refers to as decisions concerning Eurocontrol Agency’s reorganisation, and his transfer following that reorganisation.

    Consideration 3


    [T]he complainant raised the point that, after he had filed his complaint with the Tribunal, [...] the Joint Committee for Disputes eventually issued its opinion on his internal complaint. This led to a decision explicitly rejecting that internal complaint, taken on 10 December 2021 [...].
    [...] Since the parties had the opportunity to comment fully in their submissions on the decision expressly rejecting the complainant’s internal complaint, the Tribunal considers it appropriate to treat the complaint as if it were directed against that decision (for similar cases, see, in particular, Judgments 4660, consideration 6, 4065, consideration 3, and 2786, consideration 3).


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 2786, 4065, 4660


    express decision; implied decision; impugned decision;

  • Judgment 4768

    137th Session, 2024
    European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR
    Summary: The complainant impugns what he refers to as decisions concerning Eurocontrol Agency’s reorganisation and his transfer following that reorganisation.

    Consideration 3


    [T]he complainant raised the point that, after he had filed his complaint with the Tribunal, [...] the Joint Committee for Disputes eventually issued its opinion on his internal complaint [...]. This led to the Director General taking the decision [...] explicitly rejecting that internal complaint [...].
    Since the parties had the opportunity to comment fully in their submissions on the decision expressly rejecting the complainant’s internal complaint, the Tribunal considers that, in accordance with its case law, it is appropriate to treat the complaint as if it were directed against that decision (for similar cases, see, in particular, Judgments 4660, consideration 6, 4065, consideration 3, and 2786, consideration 3).


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 2786, 4065, 4660


    express decision; implied decision; impugned decision;

  • Judgment 4693

    136th Session, 2023
    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR
    Summary: The complainant challenges the decision of the Director-General dismissing as irreceivable his internal appeal against an “implied decision” by the Organization not to provide him with any Terms of Reference or work from 10 September 2016 until 31 December 2018, when he separated from service upon reaching the mandatory retirement age.

    Judgment keywords


    complaint dismissed; implied decision;

    Consideration 8


    In the usual case, the following reflects the case law concerning an implied decision. In Judgment 3089, consideration 7, the Tribunal said:
    “An implied decision occurs only when a person who has submitted a claim is entitled to treat delay, inactivity, or some other failure, as constituting a decision to reject his or her claim and elects to do so.”
    The concept of a claim involves the assertion of an unsatisfied right to a benefit or entitlement under the terms of appointment or the staff rules and regulations and its rejection entails the refusal to pay the benefit or grant the entitlement either in whole or in part. As this passage says, the refusal may arise by implication based on delay, inactivity or other failure. The Tribunal has accepted that a member of staff has a right to be provided with work (see Judgments 3937, 2360 and 630). In Judgment 3377, consideration 13, this was found to be harassment.


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 630, 2360, 3089, 3377, 3937


    implied decision;

  • Judgment 4692

    136th Session, 2023
    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR
    Summary: The complainant challenges the rejection of his appeal against an implied decision not to respond to a complaint he had lodged with the Office of the Inspector General.

    Judgment keywords


    complaint dismissed; failure to answer claim; implied decision;

  • Judgment 4118

    127th Session, 2019
    European Patent Organisation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR
    Summary: The complainant challenges the findings of the Medical Committee according to which his invalidity is not of occupational origin.

    Consideration 3


    Even if the Tribunal were to accept to regard the claims in question as being directed against the [...] decision of 12 July 2007, they would still be irreceivable, since they would be time-barred. Indeed, it has been established that the complainant did not impugn the said decision before the Tribunal within the period of ninety days provided for in Article VII, paragraph 2, of the Tribunal’s Statute. The decision therefore became final, and the complainant could no longer seek to challenge it in his request of 30 April 2015, almost eight years later. As a result, on this issue, the implied decision of the President of the Office to reject that request must be considered as purely confirmatory of the earlier decision of 12 July 2007. As such, it could not set off a new time limit for an appeal by the complainant (see, for example, Judgments 698, consideration 7, 1304, consideration 5, 2449, consideration 9, or 3002, consideration 12).


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 698, 1304, 2449, 3002


    confirmatory decision; implied decision; new time limit; receivability of the complaint; time bar; time limit;

  • Judgment 4082

    127th Session, 2019
    European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR
    Summary: The complainant contests the salary he receives at his new grade.

    Consideration 2


    This complaint, which was originally directed against an implied decision to dismiss the complainant’s internal complaint, must now be regarded as impugning the express decision of 27 April 2016, taken in the course of the proceedings, by which the Director General informed the complainant of his decision to dismiss his internal complaint of 28 January 2015 (for a similar case, see, for example, Judgment 3667, consideration 1).


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 3667


    direct appeal to tribunal; express decision; implied decision; impugned decision;

  • Judgment 4081

    127th Session, 2019
    European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR
    Summary: The complainant challenges the decision of the Director General not to allow him to carry out an assignment outside the Organisation.

    Consideration 3


    This complaint, which was originally directed against an implied decision to dismiss the complainant’s internal complaint, must now be regarded as impugning the express decision of 29 July 2015, taken in the course of the proceedings, by which the Director General informed the complainant of his decision to reject the internal complaint against the aforementioned decision of 4 August 2014 (for a similar case, see, for example, Judgment 3667, consideration 1).


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 3667


    direct appeal to tribunal; express decision; implied decision; impugned decision;

  • Judgment 4018

    126th Session, 2018
    European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR
    Summary: The complainant challenges the decision no longer to pay him an expatriation allowance.

    Consideration 1


    [The] complaint, which was initially directed against an implied rejection of the internal complaint which [the complainant] had filed against this measure, must now be regarded as impugning the express decision adopted on 28 January 2015, in the course of proceedings, by which the Director General dismissed this internal complaint as unfounded (see, for example, Judgments 3667, under 1, or 3925, under 2).


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 3667, 3925


    direct appeal to tribunal; implied decision; impugned decision;

  • Judgment 4016

    126th Session, 2018
    European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR
    Summary: The complainant impugns the decision not to extend his appointment beyond the mandatory retirement age.

    Consideration 3


    The complaint, though initially directed against an implied rejection of an internal complaint, should now be viewed as challenging the express decision taken during the present proceedings, on 13 December 2016 (see, in particular, Judgment 3667, under 1).


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 3667


    direct appeal to tribunal; express decision; implied decision; impugned decision;

  • Judgment 3957

    125th Session, 2018
    European Patent Organisation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR
    Summary: The complainant challenges an implied rejection of his request for review of a decision of the Administrative Council by the President of the Office.

    Judgment keywords


    complaint dismissed; direct appeal to tribunal; implied decision; internal remedies exhausted; summary procedure;

  • Judgment 3956

    125th Session, 2018
    European Patent Organisation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR
    Summary: The complainant considers that there has been an implied decision to reject his request for review.

    Judgment keywords


    complaint dismissed; direct appeal to tribunal; implied decision; internal remedies exhausted; summary procedure;

  • Judgment 3955

    125th Session, 2018
    European Patent Organisation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR
    Summary: The complainant impugns an implied rejection of his request for review of a decision of the Administrative Council by the President of the Office.

    Judgment keywords


    complaint dismissed; direct appeal to tribunal; implied decision; internal remedies exhausted; summary procedure;

  • Judgment 3884

    124th Session, 2017
    International Labour Organization
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR
    Summary: The complainant impugns the decision not to extend her appointment beyond the mandatory retirement age.

    Consideration 6


    The fact that the decision was purely implicit meant, by definition, that it was not accompanied by a statement of reasons.


    implied decision; motivation;

  • Judgment 3506

    120th Session, 2015
    Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR
    Summary: The complainant challenges the refusal of some of her requests for the defrayal of medical expenses.

    Consideration 11


    "As the Tribunal has consistently held in such circumstances, pursuant to Article VII, paragraph 3, of its Statute, the complainant could therefore impugn directly before the Tribunal the implied decision arising from the absence of an explicit decision at the end of the internal appeal proceedings (see, for example, Judgments 2070, under 5, 2562, under 5 and 6, and 2866, under 5)."


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 2070, 2562, 2866


    implied decision;

  • Judgment 3301

    116th Session, 2014
    European Patent Organisation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR
    Summary: The complainant through five irreceivable complaints requested information concerning facts that occurred before his retirement for disability.

    Judgment keywords


    ILOAT reference: Article 7, paragraph 2, of the Rules
    Organization rules reference: Articles 107, par. 2, and 109, par. 3, of the Service Regulations


    complaint dismissed; decision; express decision; implied decision; internal appeal; internal remedies exhausted;

  • Judgment 3089

    112th Session, 2012
    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 7


    "An implied decision occurs only when a person who has submitted a claim is entitled to treat delay, inactivity or some other failure as constituting a decision to reject his or her claim and elects to do so."


    definition; failure to answer claim; implied decision;

  • Judgment 3060

    112th Session, 2012
    European Patent Organisation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 3


    "[T]he Tribunal has consistently held that the forwarding of the claim to the advisory appeal body constitutes a "decision upon [the] claim" within the meaning of [Article VII, paragraph 3, of the Statute of the Tribunal], which is sufficient to forestall an implied rejection (see, for example, Judgment 2948, under 7, and the case law cited therein)."


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 2948


    claim; decision; iloat statute; implied decision; internal appeals body;

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Last updated: 08.07.2024 ^ top